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Personalised Care and Guidance

I use effective therapeutic and counselling methods to instill self-understanding to empower and encourage clients to adopt new attitudes and feelings towards life situations. From small scale circumstances, to traumatic experiences - my services are personalised to suit everyone’s needs. 

I am also available for counselling services as contracted to oranga tamariki - Ministry for vulnerable children, EAP (Benestar), and Taranaki Primary Connections (TPC) with fees  as negotiated with them.

Play based Therapy

Play is a child's way of learning and making sense of their world. It's through play a child learns to process their experiences as they grow up. 

Therefore it makes sense to use play as the basis for therapy with children, creating a safe place for them to work through some difficult issue they are facing

Individual Counselling

I am able to provide individual session which can be provided, either online or face-to-face.

Counselling will focus on strategies to empower you and strengthening you towards greater resilience.

Focus will be on the here-and-now and/or on past trauma experiences needing time to be emotionally processed and healed.

Professional Supervision

I can provide supervision for practitioners  working  in the social & health services.  Supervision is a reflective process to support safe and ethical practices. Using the supervision process practitioners are able to explore their further personal and professional development needs. 

Contact me today to discuss your situation. You can review my Terms and Conditions.

Relationship/Whānau based Counselling

I will work with Whānau to solve pressing issues causing stress, improve unhelpful thought processes and behaviours. help to “re-frame” your reactions and provide you with valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles. 

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