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                 van Bueren


Your Well-Being is in Good Hands

All About Therapy

Personalized Attention for All Your Needs

Perhaps you're down or anxious

 maybe you're unsure about the future

of a relationship,

or just feel that you aren't living the life you were meant to lead.


Whatever your needs may be,

I am here to offer support

and welcome all genders.

Therapy is a process of growth

and self-discovery

and in my sessions I promote 

transformation by

empowering you,

and to encourage

a positive outlook

and the adoption

of new attitudes and reactions.


Using proven tools alongside professional experience I provide guidance and support in your personal journey.


“Every human has a true authentic self.
Trauma is the disconnection from it and healing is the reconnection to it.”

-Dr. Gabor Maté

Individual counselling

Quality Care

Whānau Based Counselling

Here For You

Play Based Therapy

A Happier, Healthier You



Supporting Community, Social and Health workers to reflect on their professional practice.

 HOPE  is the only thing stronger than FEAR

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